Wednesday 14 November 2012


Poptropica Cheats for Spy Island

Spy Island is one of the most popular and entertaining quests in Poptropica. In Spy Island, you are a secret agent who is given the mission of attempting to put a halt to the notorious and evil criminal organization, B.A.D. They’re up to no good, using lasers and a satellite to zap off the hair of Poptropicans all over the island. Your goals are to locate and rescue fellow agents and infiltrate B.A.D.’s HQ to stop them from carrying out their nefarious plans.

Text Walkthrough

Arrive at Spy Island by balloon and then run to the right and enter the Headquarters building. Jump up to the top until you see a guy wearing a white jacket at bow-tie. This is Director D, the head of your secret agent organization. He’ll give you a Decoder Kit.
Leave the Headquarters and run down the street to the right. Enter the Spyglass Eyewear building. Walk to the left and talk to the guy standing next to the eye chart. Ask him to give you an eye exam. When you take the exam, choose the exact opposite symbol as the one he points to. By choosing the opposites, you’re giving him the secret code letting him know you’re an agent. He’ll leave and tell you to meet him upstairs.
Go outside the exit and then jump up on the outside of the building. There is a small door in the upper left. Go inside it. Talk to the eye exam guy here and he’ll reveal that he’s the scientist for secret operations. He’ll give you a special item that he has just developed: the chameleon suit. Go ahead and put this suit on and you’ll blend into the background whenever you are standing still. Leave this room and run left through Main Street. Go to the Docks.
When you arrive at the docks, start making your way up to the top onto the roof. Avoid the guards by standing still. When you’re not moving, your chameleon suit will make you invisible and the guards cannot see you. Run across the roof until you reach a small doorway. Then go inside.
Head down through the floors in this room the same way. You can avoid the dogs whenever you stand still. When you get to the bottom-left corner of the room, you can drop down an opening into a smaller room. One of your fellow secret agents is lying on the floor, tied up with rope. Click on him to set him free. He’ll give you a laser pen, which is an ordinary looking pen that can cut through certain types of metal. He’ll also give you a satellite clue card before he runs off. Next, jump out through the hole in the roof and this time run to the right along the floor until you reach the exit. Then go through and you’ll be back out on the docks. Run back to the right to Main Street.
Run right through Main Street to Balding Avenue. Then keep going until you get to the B.A.D. Bistro. If you’re still wearing your chameleon suit, it will automatically be removed when you enter. Run through the restaurant past the B.A.D. operatives at the table and go into the kitchen. Talk to the chef and apply for the job.
When you apply, you’ll take a test where you have to remember the order of ingredients that the chef points to with his wooden spoon. After you pass the test, you’ll be hired and get a chef hat. Put it on. Then go back out to the table and talk to the B.A.D. operatives. One of them will ask you fill up his glass. He’ll give you a wine glass that has his fingerprint on it. Run back into the kitchen and then jump up above the stove into an opening in the ceiling. Leap across the lights hanging down to cross back over the restaurant area without the B.A.D. operatives seeing you leave with the glass. When you reach the end, drop back down and then leave the restaurant.
Once outside, run right until you see a guy in the bushes wearing camouflage. Talk to him and he’ll give you a folder called File X. Open up your backpack and examine the file. Slide the paper back into the file so that only one row of letters can be seen. You can now read a secret message from top to bottom that says:
Don’t Trust Director D
Uh-oh! Could Director D be a double agent? We’ll soon find out. Continue running right to Toupee Terrace. You’ll come to a house with an alarm system on all the windows. Keep jumping up the windows and side ledges while avoiding the lights that turn on. Go all the way up ad across the house until you get to the roof. At th e very top there is a grate. Click on it and use the laser pen to cut the metal bars, then go inside.
Once inside the attic, walk to the left and you’ll find another fellow agent tied up. Click on him to release him. He’ll give you a special item: a grappling bow-tie, one of the coolest items in Poptropica. Using this tie, you can swing from building to building with ease. Kind of like Spiderman. He’ll also give you another piece of the Satellite Clues. Go back outside the attic and jump down. Then head left back to Balding Avenue.
Put on your grappling bow-tie and stand on the ledge next to the guy in camo who gave you the file. Then click on the bow-tie icon in the lower-left corner of your screen. Aim straight up. The bow-tie should catch far above and carry you up to a sign that points to the rooftop. Click it to head up there.
Jump up to the top of the roof and stand on the very edge over on the left. Click on the bow-tie again and aim at about a 30 degree angle to the left. The bow-tie should attach to the radio tower with red lights on it. You’ll jump all the way to it. It can be tricky to land on it cleanly, so if you miss, just keep using your bow-tie to get yourself to the very top of the radio tower. Once there, aim your bow-tie out to the right at about a 20 degree angle and you should end up on another glass rooftop. There’s a metal air vent up here. Click on it to go inside.
Now you’re in a big greenhouse. Run to the far right, where you’ll see a cherry bomb tree with a large cherry bomb growing in it. Click on the cherry bomb to make it drop. The fuse starts, so quickly push it to the left onto the top of the plant nearby. This is a spring plant and it will shoot the cherry up onto the platform above. Use your bow-tie to jump up there as well. Push the cherry bomb again to the left until it drops down. Then push it on the next plant and follow it up. Now push it in front of the door to a cage where another fellow agent is being held captive. Wait for the bomb to explode and destroy the door then click on the agent inside. She’ll give you some ultra vision goggles and the remaining piece of the satellite clues. Then she takes off.
Put on the ultra vision goggles and then drop down to the left and exit the greenhouse. Jump down and off to the right until you land on the ground in Balding Avenue. Head right again to Toupee Terrace and run past the house with the security alarms. Go all the way to the right through a hole in a fence with a sign saying that it’s the B.A.D. control center.
This area has a series of lasers that you need to avoid by timing your moves across. First go all the way to the right and then go up the slanted side of the building. You’ll get to a moving platform, jump on it and then go to the left onto another platform that goes from left to right. This part is kind of tricky. Jump again to another up/down platform on the left and then up to the platform above. There’s a door there with a fingerprint scanner. Since you have the wine glass with the fingerprint on it, you’ll use that to sneak inside.
Jump up while avoiding the lasers until you get to a platform with computers. You’ll get trapped inside a cage and then Director D will come out and save you. He’ll ask you to get the teleporter working. Use the satellite clues and place each clue on top of each other. They’ll spell out a code: LASER HAIR REMOVAL. Enter those three words once by one into the computer. The teleporter will turn on and then Director D will step inside. Follow him through the teleporter.
Director D will reveal two things: one, he’s wearing a toupee and two, he’s behind the B.A.D. organization. He’s a double-agent after all! He’s got control of his satellite back and plans to vaporize the hair off everyone in Poptropica. He’ll step inside his rocket and then some mini-bot robots will appear out of the wall.
Now it’s time to test your bow-tie grappling hook skills to the max! Your goal is to lure the mini-bots into the gold power speheres located around the room. The first two are really easy because they’re on the ground. The next two are tough, because they’re up high. The goal is to place yourself on the opposite side of the sphere from the mini-bot. It will go on a straight line to get you but electrocute itself when it hits the sphere. When all the mini-bots are destroyed, Director D comes after you in his rocket satellite thing. Using the same technique, try to get him to smash his ship into the ceiling several times while avoiding him. Once he smashes up his ship, he’ll surrender and be put in prison. You’ve finished the island and won the medallion. Congratulations!

Spy Island Glitch

Note: some people are saying that this glitch with Director D does not happen for them and that he only appears in the cage. It might just be a random thing.
Wow, you read this far? Good for you. You get a nice reward. Did you know there’s a story line glitch in Spy Island? If you finish the island and then return to Headquarters you can meet and talk with all the agents that you freed, as well as the secretary of the agency (the guy who gives you the island medallion). But if you go all the way to the top of the HQ, guess who’s still standing there? That’s right, Director D! The Poptropica Creators forgot to remove him from HQ after he reveals he’s actually a double agent and the mastermind behind the B.A.D. plot.
Director D in Spy Island HQ
Hey, shouldn't you be in prison, Director D? Nice toupee, btw!


Post image for Poptropica Super Power Island Walkthrough

Poptropica Super Power Island Walkthrough

Super Power Island is a fun adventure in Poptropicawhere you play the role of a superhero who has to capture six criminals who have escaped from prison. Super Power Island is challenging and hard but with these great poptropica cheats and secrets, you’ll be able to complete this island mission in no time. Here is the complete Super Power Island Walkthrough.

Getting Started

The first thing to do is go to Super Power island. When you arrive, just walk a bit to the right and go inside the Comic Shop. You’ll see a geeky looking guy on the right-hand side of the shop with pimples and wearing big black-rim glasses. Talk to him and ask him if he has anything other than comic books. He will give you a book called The Superhero’s Handbook that he wrote. You can read the book in your inventory. It’s a pretty funny book.
Leave the comic shop and go to the next store on the right, the Masks and Capes shop. Go to the guy to the left holding the scissors. He will give you a Super Hero ID card which identifies you as a superhero and tracks the number of villains that you have defeated. On the other side of the shop is a row of mannequins that have different costumes on them. Click on them to pick your costume. You can mix and match pieces from all the different costumes.
Next, leave the Masks and Capes shop and walk to the left. Cross through the water and you will come to an island with a prison that has a green meteorite that smashed into it. Talk to the guard with the gray hair and moustache. He is the prison warden. Talk to him about the escaped prisoners and he will give you an item called the, Super Villain Files. You can look through these files to see all the villains that you need to capture. Then talk to the woman wearing the lab coat and she will give you anti-power handcuffs, which are designed to let you capture super-villains. Once you have those items, it’s time to capture some super-villains! Go all the way to the right until you get to a sign that says Downtown. Click on that sign to go to the next room. It’s a short one. Walk to the right and then click on the next sign and you will arrive at Main Street. Talk to the police officers standing outside of the bank and they will tell you that Copy Cat, one of the super-villains who escaped the prison, is inside.

Capturing Copy Cat

Enter the bank and walk to the left, where Copy Cat is standing. She will make several copies of herself and each one of those copies will hide in a different spot in the bank. She will also drop a smoke grenade on the ground and you will only have about a minute until there’s too much smoke in the bank for you to breathe. You have to capture all the copies of her before there’s too much smoke in the bank. Just walk over each copy of her to make it go poof and disappear. You’ll have to jump up a little to capture all of the copies. Use the elevator on the far right to get to the upper level.
When you get to the last copy cat, you will capture her and you’ll see a newspaper announcing her capture. You’ll be sent back to the prison and you’ll see her back behind bars. If you look at your Super Hero ID card in your inventory, you’ll see that you have one sticker in your villains defeated section. Now it’s time to catch some more!
Captured Copy Cat in Poptropica Super Power Island

Capturing Speeding Spike

Go back to Main Street and then go all the way to the right until you get to a Subway sign. Click on the steps to go down into the Subway Station. Talk to the police officers in the Subway Station and they will tell you they need help catching Speeding Spike. Go inside the train and then walk all the way to the right, where you’ll see Speeding Spike holding a bag of money. Catching him is easy. Just keep jumping over him when he tries to hit you with the bag of money. He’ll keep moving to the left to different train cars and if you can keep getting him to miss you he’ll get so tired out that he sits down on the floor. When he does that, walk up to him to put on the handcuffs and send him back to prison.
Captured Speeding Spike in Poptropica Super Power Island

Capturing Sir Rebral

Go back all the way to the right and this time go past the Subway Station stairs to get to the City Park. When you arrive, you’ll see that Sir Rebral is standing on top of a broken statue. When you go near him, you find out that he’s controlling rocks that fly up from the ground and follow you until they hit you. You need to position yourself so that you can jump to avoid them (they’ll still follow you) and then get yourself on the other side of Sir Rebral so that the rocks hit him instead. This will make him angry and then parts of the ground will start popping up.
The next step is to find the light gray rock that you can push. Move this rock on top of one of the places where the ground pops up so that the rock will fly up into the air and hit Sir Rebral. This will knock him down and stun him so that you can walk up to him and capture him with the handcuffs. You’ll go back to the prison where you can see him safely behind bars.
Captured Sir Rebral in Poptropica Super Power Island

Capturing Ratman

Return to the City Park and go inside the public washroom. There’s a hole next to one of the toilets. Go down the hole to get into the sewers. Walk over to the left and you will see a brown wheel. Click on it while standing on the platform underneath and the water will drain so that you move downwards. When it stops, go to the right until you get to some platforms. Jump up those and you will find another wheel. Turn it to make the water rise again partway. Swim to the left until you find another wheel and the water will rise again. Go to the left one more time and you’ll find a door that you can enter. Go through the door and Ratman will be inside. Jump up to the top right corner of the Sewer Room while avoiding the rats, and you will see a red wheel. Click on it to turn it, and it will sprinkle water over the Ratman and his flies. Ratman will be knocked out and the flies that are buzzing around him will start following you. If they touch you, you will get stung so you want to try to get to Ratman very quickly. Click on him to handcuff him and send him back to prison.
Captured Ratman in Poptropica Super Power Island

Capturing Crusher

Head back to City Park and go all the way to the right. You’ll see a sign for the Junkyard. Follow that sign to go inside. When you arrive, you’ll see Crusher standing on top of a pile of junk. Talk to the police there and they’ll tell you they’re unable to capture him. Good thing you’re a Super Hero here to save the day again.
To defeat Crusher, you’re going to sneak to sneak past him twice. Head all the way to the right and get up on top of the oil barrels then leap onto the platform where he is standing and run right past him. You’ll get to a crane. Jump up the crane until you get to the cab at the top and click on it. Then drag the magnet control lever. The crane will release a heavy refrigirator which will fall on Crusher. But he lifts it off and throws it at you, knocking you back down. And now he’s really mad.
You have to sneak past Crusher one more time, but now he is hurling empty oil barrels at you and they will knock you down if you get hit. Try to get back to the crane one more time without getting hit by the oil barrels as you go. When you get all the way back to the cab of the crane, click and drag the magnet lever again to turn it back on. The magnet will pick up Crusher and then crush him flat! You can then safely go down to where he is and put the handcuffs back on him. Crusher is going back to jail!
Captured Crusher in Poptropica Super Power Island

Capture Betty Jetty

Go back to the main area and walk by the telephone booth, which will be ringing. Answer it and you’ll be given a new superpower. The ability to fly! Click on the flght icon in the lower-left corner to fly in the air.
Go to the Downtown area and fly up to the very top of the Skyscraper and then go up. You’ll see Betty Jettystanding on top of an antenna. She will taunt you and fly away. Make sure your flight power is activated and chase after her. She will throw green energy balls at you. Each time you dodge them, you’ll get a little closer to her and eventually you will be close enough to capture her. You can easily avoid the green energy balls she throws by moving off screen each time they come near you.
After you catch her, she will taunt you again, and Ned Noodlehead will appear and knock her over. Then you can put the handcuffs on her and she is captured and put back in prison.
Captured Betty Jetty in Poptropica Super Power Island

Claim Your Reward

When you talk to the warden, he will say that he gave the island medallion to Ned Noodlehead for capturing Betty Jetty. You can get Ned to give it to you by first going to the hot dog vendor in City Park. Talk to the vendor and he will give you a hot dog. Then go back to the comic book shop and talk to Ned Noodlehead. He will offer to trade you the medallion for a hot dog. Do the trade and you will finish this island. Hooray!
Finished Poptropica Super Power Island

Fun Things and Secrets

Old Superhero

There’s an old superhero on the top of the Daily Paper building. You can get up to him after you get the flying power from the phone booth. When you click on him, he will tell you, “Remember with great power comes great responsibility.”

Poptropica 24 Carrot Island Walkthrough

Poptropica 24 Carrot Island Walkthrough

24 Carrot Island Walkthrough

In 24 Carrot Island, you must help a ravaged town solve the mystery of its disappearing carrots. This adventure will take you deep into the secret lair of the evil Dr. Hare, who has secretly stolen all the carrots for a nefarious plan. This walkthrough shows you how to make it all the way through the 24 Carrot Island mission in Poptropica. I have a full video walkthrough (there are two parts!) and the complete text version of the walkthrough is below
Post image for Poptropica 24 Carrot Island Walkthrough

Entry Area and Carrot Farm

As soon as you arrive on 24-carrot island, go left to the Carrot Farm. Walk past the farmer and jump up onto the roof of the house and then go down the chimney. When you get inside the house, go to the right past the couch and you’ll get an Empty Bowl. Now go back up the chimney and outside the house. Go right to return to the starting area. Go to the right and then head inside the Carrot King Diner. Talk to the waitress right by the door and ask her to fill your bowl with milk. Then go back outside and return to the Carrot Farm. Go back into the house through the chimney.
This time, go to the right. You will automatically place the bowl of milk on the floor where you picked it up. Go to the right and jump up onto the second floor and then run to the left over to where the bathtub is. Turn on the water in the bathtub and a cat will jump out of the tub. Walk slowly behind him to “chase” him downstairs and then follow him there. He will see the bowl of milk and drink from it and then Meow. Now he’s your friend for life and will follow you anywhere. Go back outside the house and head right to the main entry area.
Now go right past the diner and the theater and go into Charlie’s Carrot Surplus Co. Walk to the right and talk to the woman standing next to the counter wearing the apron. Tell her you found her cat (his name is Whiskers) and then she will give you a crowbar.
Go back outside and run to the right. Follow the sign to the Factory. When you get there, keep running to the right. Jump up the left side of the factory to the roof and you will find the Vent Blueprint. You don’t really need it but it can help you navigate the vents inside the factory if you get a little lost. Jump down the right side of the building and you’ll see a pipe near some old barrels floating in the water. Since you have the crowbar, just click on the lid of the pipe and you will pry it open. Then you will head inside.

Getting Into the Factory

Run left through the pipe and pick up the Carrot Transporter. You won’t really need this either, but it’s cool to have. Now jump up the left side of the pipe and then right to the right back over the valves that open and shut. The trick to get over these is to stand at the edge and be patient. Start running just as they’re closing and do one at a time. Some of them are tricky because they open and shut pretty fast.
Keep going and you’ll see a giant rat. He’s very easy to avoid if you jump up into the little section of pipe that goes above. You can go down the other side and keep going left. Jump up through the top and you’ll be inside a dark room inside the factory.

Inside the Factory

The Machine Room

Run over to the left and stand in front of the Master Engine panel. There are three levers on the machine and they are all in the up position.. Move the left lever so that it is midway between up and down. The little green light above it will light up. Move the middle lever all the way down and the right lever to the same position inbetween up and down as you did with the lever on the left. All three green lights will light up and then the main lights in the room will go on and the master engine will start moving.
Head over to the right side of the room and jump up on the boxes. Jump up to the left onto the platform and then onto the top of the three barrels. A giant mechanical arm will come by and when it does, jump up onto that. It will come to a platform on the right and when it does, jump off onto the platform and enter the open vent.

The Vent

The vent is a little bit like a maze where you can only see a little bit in front of you as you go. It’s pretty easy to get through and if you get stuck you can just ue the vent blueprints that you found outside. Head down and to the left and keep going until you see part of the passageway that is covered in ice. Go up and through that passageway and then down the other side. You’ll quickly come to where there is a pair of wire cutters on the ground. Run over them to pick them up. Keep going down and to the right and you will arrive at another grate in the vent. Click on it to go through.

Security System

You’ll arrive on a platform with a sign that says Security System and where the word enabled is lit up. Jump down onto the floor and very quickly a flying security robot will find you and then zap you. You’ll turn white and disappear and then emerge in a refrigerated room. Over to the right is a panel labeled Security System. Click on that to use the wire cutters. Cut all three wires (red, green and yellow) to disable the system. Now go to the right and jump up to the top where there is a grate you can exit to go back into the Vent.

Packing Room

Jump up into the vent and head up and to the right. You should quickly come to a new vent grate. Go inside and you’ll be in another room of the factory where the carrots are put in crates. You need to jump through a few open chutes where carrot crates come flying through. Stand on the edge of each chute and wait for the crates to stop falling before proceeding to the next one. The crates come in groups of different numbers. It’s easy to figure out the patterns if you’re patient and make it all the way through. Go to the right and jump down onto the factory floor. Then go left.
Soon you’ll find a girl wearing a set of metal rabbit ears and strange swirly glasses. Click on her and say, “Hey, What’s that behind you?” You’ll see a close-up of the top of the rabbit ears. There’s a little power button in the middle. Press that to turn the ears off and the girl will no longer be under their hypnotic power. She will get a printout from the giant machine that gives you the system password for the computer which is: fuzzybunny. Now go a little to the left and jump back up to the vent grate where you entered. Click on it to go back into the vents.

Return to the Security Robot Room

OK now you want to head back to the same place you were in before where the security robot zapped you so use your vent blueprint if you need to and get back to that same entrance and go inside.
Because you disabled the security system, the robot will not bother you. Go to the bottom right where you see a doorway and a sign that says, “Authorized Bunny Drones Only” When you try to go through the door, you will drop through a trap door in the ground because you are not an authorized bunny drone. That’s ok, we’re about to take care of that. You will land in a new factory room. Jump down to the left and you will land on a conveyer belt. Head to the right and be careful to avoid the giant presses that come crashing down or you will get squashed. There’s also some hot carrot juice that comes out that will burn you if you get hit. Once you get past these things, jump up on top of the steel girder and you will see a bunny ears hat. Run over it to pick it up. These are drone ears just like all the other people in here are wearing. Go ahead and put them on now and then go through the Exit.
You’ll arrive back in the room that had the security robot and the trap door. Now, while you’re wearing the bunny drone ears, go back to the big doorway. This time, you’re authorized and you can get inside.

Dr. Hare

You’ll be standing next to Dr. Hare. He thinks you’re one of his drones and tells you to start the launch sequence for his big spaceship. Jump up the spaceship. There will be a platform on the right with a big computer on it and a guy wearing the drone ears next to it. Click on him and say, “Look, a giant bunny!” You’ll zoom in on his ears. Press the power button to turn them off. Then click on the computer and enter the password, which isfuzzybunny. It will then ask you to enter a command. The command is on a sticky note on the computer and it islaunch rabbot. Make sure you spell it just like that. It’s rabbot and not rabbit. Rabbot is the name of the robot spaceship.
The robot spaceship will launch and then you will be able to control it with the joystick on the computer. Now you want to try and crash the spaceship by moving it into the path of the oncoming asteroids. Each time you hit one, Dr. Hare will yell at you. After you hit four asteroids, the robot spaceship will explode and Dr. Hare will fly off into space. You did it! Now follow the guy up the rope and out of the factory.
You’ll be back in the main area standing in front of the gas station, but now 24 Carrot Island is bright and colorful again. Go all the way to the left and talk to the mayor. He will thank you and give you a medallion for saving the town. Congratulations!

Time Tangled Island Walkthrough

Time Tangled Island Walkthrough

by  anshu103

Poptropica Time Tangled Island

Time-Tangled Island is a really fun adventure onPoptropica. The basic idea is to travel to different periods of time and “fix” the future by finding different objects that have been lost and then placed in the wrong time period. You begin in the future and then can travel to different time periods using a special time travel device. You can travel through time in any order you like, but it’s probably easiest to go in order around the compass either clockwise or counter-clockwise (it doesn’t matter which direction you go.

The Arrival

You will arrive on a beach. Walk to the right and there will be a building that says Party Time Tower. This is a multi-player room. To do this adventure, keep on walking. There is a crying lady standing outside of a building called,Pendulum’s Lab. Click on her and she will tell you about your mission. When she goes into the building, follow her inside.
Walk to the right until you see the lady again. Talk to her again. Now she will give you a mission printout that you can read in your items inventory. If you want to learn more about the Future Machine, talk to the man that’s wearing glasses and an apron.
To power up the Future Machine, go left and down to find the power supply. Push it together by walking towards it until it closes to activate it.

The Future

Walk back to the door of the Future Machine, which will be pulsing blue, and click on it to enter. The future will be in ruins. You will meet yourself but 50 years older in the future. Talk to future you and you will get a special time travel device that looks like a golden stopwatch. There will also be a sign in the future that says:
It wasn’t supposed to be this way! Something happened in the past that ruined mankind’s future. Can you turn back the hands of time and make things right?”

Tips and Help

When you finish helping everyone, go back into the future. Use the hover tube and monorails to get to your future self’s SkyHome. There, talk to your future self and they will give you the Time Twisted Island Medal.

Time Periods

  • 2009 AD – LAB – Main Street
  • 0328 BC – man in golden armor – Ancient Greece
  • 0831 AD – man in Viking suit – Vikings
  • 1387 AD – lady with pink turban – Mali Empire
  • 1516 AD – bearded man – Da Vinci’s Workshop
  • 1519 AD – man with headdress – Aztec Empire
  • 1593 AD – armored Asian man – Great Wall of China
  • 1776 AD – man with black hat – The Graff House
  • 1805 AD – man with beaver cap – Lewis and Clark
  • 1877 AD – young man – Edison’s Workshop
  • 1882 AD – French man – Statue of Liberty
  • 1953 AD – man in blue hoodie – Mount Everest

Who Needs What

  • Ancient Greece: Golden Vase
  • Vikings: Thor’s Amulet
  • Mali Empire: Salt Rocks
  • Da Vinci’s Workshop: Notebook
  • Aztec Empire: Sun Stone Piece
  • Great Wall of China: Stone Bowl
  • The Graff House: Declaration of Independence
  • Lewis and Clark: Peace Medal
  • Edison’s Workshop: Phonograph
  • Statue of Liberty: Statue Model
  • Mount Everest: Climbing Goggles

Where Things Are

  • Climbing Goggles: In the Aztec Empire, and a guard is wearing them, the guard will give them to you if you are wearing the Warrior’s Mask( see last list).
  • Statue Model: The very top peak of Mount Everest you can get to.
  • Phonograph: On top of the treasury building( the guards are standing in front of it) in Ancient Greece. You have to climb up onto the building that the Oracle(a person) is in. It helps to have the Glider when getting it( see last list).
  • Peace Medal: Hanging on the pulley system in Da Vinci’s Workshop. First climb onto the middle platform, making the top one come closer so you can jump on it. Get on the top platform, you will go down but the bottom platform will come out. Jump onto the bottom platform and from there jump and try to touch the shiny silver circle. If you touch it, then you’ve got the Peace Medal.
  • Declaration of Independence: In the Mali Empire( watch out for snakes) there will be a place called “Timbuktu Inn”. A document merchant is in there. Piece together a puzzle for him to get the Declaration of Independence.
  • Stone Bowl: Go to Lewis and Clark’s campsite. There will be a tree that has the words “Clark was here” cut into it. Climb the tree and wait for a beaver to come out, he has the bowl on his head.
  • Sun Stone Piece: On top of Edison’s Workshop. Go to the left and jump on the car. Click the circle-thingy that lights up and the car will go and stop under the tree. Climb up the tree and onto the house.
  • Notebook: Go to the Statue of Liberty. Climb so your on the very top platform of the wooden stilts. Jump to your left. You will land on a ledge. The Notebook is on the ledge below that.
  • Salt Rocks: If you go to the Graff House and climb the tree, then jump onto the roof, they are in a bag right there.
  • Thor’s Amulet: Go to the Great Wall of China and pass the construction zone. A man will be wearing the amulet. If you beat him in a memory game he will give it to you.
  • Golden Vase: This is most definitely the hardest. Go to the Great Wall of China and pick up a barrel of explosives. Go to where the Vikings are and climb onto the first cliff. Click the rock-pile and run. It should blow up. Pick up the torch and go inside. You only have a little while before your torch goes out to find the vase. It will also go out if you step in water.
  • Clothes You Can Get:
  • Warrior’s Mask: In the Aztec Empire there is an old warrior who wants to retire. Talk to him and he’ll give his mask to you.
  • The Glider: Da Vinci gives it to you when you give him his notebook.
  • The Viking Suit: It’s laying on the second cliff where the Vikings are, use the Glider to get there.

Special Tip: The Viking Cave

One of the hardest parts of Time Tangled island is the inside of the cave in the Viking area. When you enter the cave, you only have about 30 seconds until your torch flickers out. Since you can only see part of the way, there’s not a lot of room for error. But here’s a great cheat: the complete map of the inside of the cave. Follow this path to get down to the bottom quickly, where you’ll find the Golden Vase, which you need to return to Greek Times.
Poptropica Cheats - Time Tangled - Viking Cave
Here's the path to follow when you're inside the Viking Cave on Time Tangled Island.

Trivia: Time Twisted Island

Poptropica Time Twisted Island
Did you know that the original name of Time Tangled Island was Time Twisted Island? In the earliest days of Poptropica, the map contained an image of the island and the title was Time Twisted Island. There was even a logo made for it and it said, Coming Soon. When the island was released, the name was changed to Time Tangled Island.
Poptropica Time Twisted Island Logo
The original name for the quest was Time Twisted Island.

Poptropica Shark Tooth Island Walkthrough

Poptropica Shark Tooth Island Walkthrough

Shark tooth island is one of the earlier and easier island adventures in Poptropica. In this mission, you have to rescue Professor Hammerhead and a young boy who have been trapped on an island in Booga Bay. A giant shark is blocking the way so you’ll need to get the help of the local medicine man to come up with a plan to take care of the shark and perform the daring rescue. This video shows you how to do the full island very quickly. If you want the written instructions, keep reading below!

Poptropica Shark Tooth Island Walkthrough

When you arrive on the island, head immediately all the way to the right and follow the sign to the Ancient Ruins. You can stop by and visit some of the buildings like the Shark Museum on the way, but they’re not necessary for completing the mission. Go through the next short room and head to the right. You’ll arrive in the ancient ruins. Go all the way to the right and watch out for the dropping coconuts as you go. Go to the end and you’ll see a sign for Booga Bay. Go right again and head for the bay.
Go right through this short room and then you’ll arrive in lovely Booga Bay. Talk to the first guy you see at the Grass Skirts stand. He’ll give you a grass skirt so that you will look like a native islander. Put on the grass skirt and then head back left to the ancient ruins. When you arrive in the ruins, jump over the big stone in the middle so that you are standing on the left side of it and then push it to the right until it is underneath the vine right next to the palm tree. Now jump up on the top of the block. Watch out for falling coconuts and then jump up again to catch the vine.
Continue climbing up the vine and jumping up on the platforms on the tree until you get to the very top, where you’ll find a medicine man. He will talk to you because you look like an islander in your grass skirt. Click on him and ask him, “What else can you tell me?” He will tell you that deep in the temple there is a wall carving that will show you what you need to bring to him so that he can make a potion that will put the big shark to sleep.
Jump off the platform and keep going down until you reach the ground. Walk a short distance to the left and you’ll see the entrance to the temple. It is in the mouth of the big statue and has spider webs in it. Go inside and then jump down the platforms in the first area.
Soon, you’ll be standing on a platform and there will be a swinging platform to your left. Time your jump so that you land on it and then keep moving to the left. You’ll reach a wall and then will need to go all the way to the bottom. Watch out for the purple bats, who will knock you over. Once you get to the bottom, go left and then jump all the way up again. Soon you’ll see a big green control panel in the upper left corner. Jump up onto that platform and click on the panel.
This panel will open the door to the left, but only if you press the correct teeth in the mouth. Counting from the left, you need to click on the 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th teeth. Then press the big triangle above the teeth and between the two eyes. The door will open and you can go through it to the left. Keep going through the next passage and you’ll arrive inside a large chamber with a green vine hanging down. This one works a lot like the chamber before. Just jump onto the vine and drop all the way down to the bottom. Go left some more and you’ll come up to a big golden statue of the shark. Jump up on top of that statue and then over it. At this point, you can either jump up onto the swinging panel above you and keep going left, or just head straight across. If you jump up, you’ll get to a small pit with spikes in the walls. Jump down here and you’ll land next to an old skeleton with a bone in its mouth. Walk over to the bone to pick it up.
Now head right and go back to the shark statue. Climb back up to the top and jump on the swinging platform and go left until you get to the pit with the spikes in the walls. Wait here for the sliding platform to come close and then jump on it. Ride it to the other side of the pit and then jump off and exit to the left. Go through the passageway and you’ll arrive in another chamber with a green vine. Just jump down here and run across the floor until you get to a giant pedestal with an urn holding some green stuff in it. Jump up on top of that and you will get the Key Ingredient. There’s a vine here. Jump up onto it and climb up to leave the chamber. You’ll be in a small room with platforms. Keep jumping up to the top and then exit.
You’ll appear out of a hole in the sand right at the beginning part of the island next to the guy selling shark fins. You can get one from him if you like, but you don’t need it to solve the mission. Now walk to the right a little and talk to the guy standing next to the booth outside the Coconut Cafe. He will give you some carbonated coconut milk, which is the 3rd and final ingredient you need to bring to the Medicine Man.
Now go to the right and head for the ancient ruins. Push the stone in the middle back underneath the vine next to the tree and go back up to visit the Medicine Man. He will take all of the ingredients and create a potion for you. You’ll get the Calming Potion from him, which can be used to calm the Great Booga Shark. Jump off the tree to the right and head to Booga Bay.
After you arrive in Booga Bay, go to the right until you pass a fisherman and arrive at a cannon with a sign next to it that says, “Feed the Shark.” Click on the cannon and point it up in the air and then click again to launch the coconut with the potion in it into the bay. As soon as it lands in the water, the great Booga shark will appear and eat it. He’ll turn green and then fall asleep below the water. Click on the “Back” button in the upper-right corner of the game to return to the main screen. Now you can safely cross the water while the shark is sleeping. Cross the island and you will come to a small island. Go right at the end and you will then arrive next to Professor Hammerhead.
Talk to Professor Hammerhead and he will thank you for rescuing him and the boy and ask you to lead them back to the mainland. Head to the left again and back across the water. Both the professor and the boy will follow you. When you arrive back to where the crying woman is standing, she will thank you for rescuing her son. Professor Hammerhead will then give you a gold medallion and you have completed the adventure. Congratulations!



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Early Poptropica Walkthrough

Early Poptropica Walkthrough

by hills244

Early Poptropica

Early Poptropica is one of the first islands you can explore on Poptropica and it is an easy adventure. Your goal is to help the settlers of Early Poptropica recover three items that have been stolen by thieves. The items include a Prized Pig, the bucket for their well, and their flag. Here is the complete walkthrough for Early Poptropica with all the cheats and secrets.
  • Go all the way to the right until you arrive in Early Poptropica.
  • Talk to the settlers. One of them says he is missing his pig and that a spider stole it.
  • Another settler complains about a stolen bucket for the well.
  • There is one more settler on top of the tower. He says they have lost their flag and need it back.
  • Go all the way back to the beginning and you will see an open sewer grate by a fire hydrant.
  • Go down inside the sewer and get the pig in the bottom right corner.
  • Go back out of the sewer and get back onto the street.
  • Find the guy who was missing his pig and click on him. He will take his pig back.
  • Go down the well.
  • Find the glow stick. It is in the upper-left corner.
  • Go back up and get out of the well.
  • Go left back to the start.
  • Now you need to keep going left and get to Poptropica Towers.
  • Find another pothole and go down.
  • Explore the sewer maze below the street until you find a golden egg (hint: watch the walkthrough video for the exact path to take).
  • Get the egg.
  • Work your way up the buildings until you get to the last one.
  • Get to the top of the last one and go up the vine.
  • Click on the giant.
  • Keep on going right until you find a bucket and a jetpack.
  • Once you find those items go back down to the street.
  • Go back to Main Street and with the jetpack fly to the top of the water tower and retrieve the flag.
  • Go back to Early Poptropica and give the man by the wall his water bucket.
  • Go up to the tall wooden tower and give the man his flag.
  • A ship will come to shore and you need to click on the man on the ship to get your medal.